Corpse party seiko
Corpse party seiko

Seiko says that they should split up and meet up later. Naomi then shouts at Seiko, making her sad. Naomi asks if she found Yuka, which she says she didn't. She pukes and gags as Seiko runs towards her to help her. The game then picks up at the point of Naomi running away from the infirmary. Naomi and others do it and they all get transported to Heavenly Host. Satoshi tries to stop the charm from happening, but fails. While at the school, Ayumi tells about Sachiko Ever After. Seiko comes over to Naomi's and they both have fun. The game starts by showing you the evening before the cultural festival. Though devastated, Seiko took up the role of a motherly figure in her household as the oldest of her siblings. Seiko's mother disappeared without a trace two years ago. Although such, Seiko is very forgiving as she cares for Naomi too much to be upset at her for too long. She easily becomes upset whenever anyone takes her feelings towards her mother's disappearance lightly, which causes a rift between her and her best friend Naomi, when the latter does just that. She is not without a responsible side, however, which she forced herself to develop after her mother disappeared so that she would be able to support her father and care for her three younger siblings. She generally tries to maintain this personality even while trapped inside Heavenly Host, though the grim reality of their situation nearly causes her to suffer from an emotional breakdown several times.

corpse party seiko

She often comes across as immature and crass, and makes over-the-top outbursts that surprise everyone around her, but her friends are able to put up with it. Seiko is an extremely cheerful and energetic girl who enjoys playing around with her friends.

corpse party seiko

Her student ID is pinned to the bottom of her top. Seiko also wears black mid-calf socks and blue uwabaki slippers. Her uniform also consists of a yellow bow held by a blue brooch to the top, and a blue pleated skirt.

corpse party seiko

Like all other female students at Kisaragi Academy, she wears a tan-colored sailor outfit with a blue collar and lighter blue cuffs. Seiko has a natural kitty mouth/smile, which is especially noticeable when she's devious, sly or being perverted. She also wears a white barette on the left side of her head. Seiko is a teenage girl of somewhat shorter height and below average build with amber eyes and long brown hair that she styles into two curls on both sides of her head, just beneath her ears.

Corpse party seiko